Saturday 5 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I know its a bit late but, I only created my blog yesterday, and I fancied sharing some inspirational quotes to help you get through 2013 and some of my new year's resolution. :)

A couple of my new year's resolutions:

1. Drink more water!
   - It sounds a bit strange and stupid, but I really feel like I don't drink enough. I'm always drinking tea,coffee and coke, all stuff that really isn't good for you! So I thought maybe if its a resolution, I may actually stick to it, and I have! So far anyway. I've already noticed quite a difference, my skin and hair is softer, as well as I feel more alive and awake when I have it in the day instead of crappy junk foods!

2. Wash my face twice a day!
    - I did usually wash my face twice a day last year, but if I was too tired in the evening I would quite often just take my make-up off with a face wipe, and not wash it after. And its not the same, it doesn't make you feel as clean and refreshed and you don't wake-up in the morning with a glowing face.So far, I have accomplished this resolution.

3. Do revision everyday!
   -This has been a tough one for me. I never seem to have the motivation to do it. Unfortunately, for me I'm not one of those students who can breeze through school and not study but still gets good grades, I hate these kids ;). No I have to work to get the grades, I get and I'm still not proud of them, but I need to realise I'm never going to be an A* student or even an A student! Anyway, I thought if I tried to do revision every day or every evening even if its just for an hour, my grades will start to pick up and I will start to feel more comfortable in lessons.

4. Stop biting my nails!
   - This is ridiculously hard for me, I've been doing it since I was little so its become such a big habit in my everyday life :(. My nails are disgusting, although I've seen worse, but still, I would love to have such long nails, which I could do French manicures on and just take good care of them.So far, I haven't stopped, but starting now I WILL!! The problem is, I can grow my nails fine, but I have very weak nails and its when they break, I start biting them again. So I've decided I'll use nail hardener and carry a nail clipper around with me in my pocket, so when they do break, I don't bite it off, I'll just cut it off! Oh, and I might start taking these tablets I used to take, I cant remember the name of them but they made my nails and hair, healthier and strong.

Okay, new year's resolution ramble over! Here's some quotes which could get you through this year in the tough times! :)

This is my favourite, and I will definitely be using it during my exam week!

None of these images belong to me.

Maddie x

Friday 4 January 2013

A Bit About Me and My Blog!

Well, where do I start?

  •  Female (if that isn't obvious)
  • 15
  • I live in the U.K
  • I love make-up, hair and fashion
  • My chosen subjects at school are French, Media and History
  • One day I would love to be a fashion journalist, in a major city, like Paris or New York
  • I lived in New Zealand for 2 years and wish I never came back :(
  • I love everything and anything girlie and pink
  • I have a cat and two dogs
  • The title of my blog means 'life is beautiful' in French
I cant think of any more bullet points about myself, so we'll stop there!
Oh wait, this is me: